Financing of activities
The financing of SINAM’s activities mainly comes from
- Donations in connection with human resource needs that it gets from volunteer input.
- SINAM receives financial support from The Levi Trust in UK, whose contribution sustains the current activities.
- SINAM has also received financial assistance from De Witte Ruiter, KICI, CORDAID, Rotary Op Seyst and individual well-wishers in the Netherlands; Levi Trust in The UK, The Foreign Commonwealth Office through the British High Commission in Nairobi. Individual contributions from volunteer staff and board members have seen SINAM continue to offer its services even during moments of deep financial crisis, and they are planning to assist SINAM in the purchase and building of a new facility in which workshops are going to be established.
- SINAM also gets support from well-wishers who donate in kind, depending on the nature of needs.
- In the proposed workshops, training will be offered free to ex-addicts through a subsidy scheme in which the workshops will be self supporting and generating income enough to pay for the work done by residents (from sales proceeds).
SINAM has a financial policy that outlines all the procedures for handling project finances. It states responsibilities, authority and channels of communication with regard to financial transactions. The accountability process is anchored in the returns systems, which are implemented on a monthly basis after the books have been audited and are attached to monthly activity reports, which must correspond to the monthly tasks, objectives and overall project goal. Finally, a yearly report is produced, which is then handed over to the national NGO council and coordination bureau, which monitors NGO activities in Kenya. SINAM’s yearly returns and reports are also made available to working partners and the SINAM’s Board for inspection.
The project undertakings are continuously monitored through the recording and inspection of information reflecting the activities of the project. Data is recorded on a daily, monthly and as-appropriate basis, in accordance with the nature of the activity or event to which it relates. In addition to this mainly quantitative information, a quarterly report by the Project Director is communicated to the Board of Trustees.
We have instituted a procedure for dealing with project development through regularly programmed and minuted office and team meetings. The data we gather forms the basis for assessing the progress and performance of the project in the review and evaluation process.
Review and evaluation of the project is conducted every three months followed by an annual report. The review is primarily aimed at establishing the progress being made towards the fulfilment of the aims and objectives as proposed in the project plan, whilst the evaluation examines the continuing viability of the original proposals. The outcome of the two exercises will determine the action necessary to effect any changes required for correction or modification to the project plan.
The processes of review, evaluation and monitoring continuously inform the project team of progress and performance in the work of construction, setting up and equipping the facility for opening. The project has endeavoured to operate on an "open door" basis, and we still welcome visits from any interested parties wishing to learn from what we do. We wish to hold regular "open" days to which we can invite the local community as well as all the people we interface with in the course of our work.
Annual Report
An Annual Report is always produced and distributed each year, outlining the work accomplished for that period and including the project’s annual accounts. We also encourage the production of "occasional" papers by the staff team, and will also offer any research papers for publication.